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How to Use a Zig Zag Roller

How to Use a Zig Zag Roller

  • 28 Mar, 2024

Rolling your own cigarettes or joints can seem like a daunting task for beginners. However, with the right tools and a bit of practice, it becomes a simple and enjoyable process.

One of the most popular tools for this is the Zig Zag roller, designed to make rolling easier and more efficient. In this article, we will guide you step-by-step through the process of using a Zig Zag roller, ensuring you can roll perfect cigarettes or joints every time.

Key Takeaways

  • Zig Zag rollers are designed to simplify the process of rolling cigarettes or joints.

  • Preparation is key: have your materials ready before you start.

  • The roller handles should be in the open position when you begin.

  • Even distribution of the tobacco or herb ensures a uniform roll.

  • Practice makes perfect; don't get discouraged by initial mistakes.

Understanding Your Zig Zag Roller

Before diving into the rolling process, it's essential to understand the components of your Zig Zag roller. It consists of two rolling pins, a rolling fabric, and a lever that opens and closes the rollers. Familiarize yourself with these parts, as understanding their function is crucial for a smooth rolling experience.

Preparing to Roll

Step 1: Gather Your Materials

Start by preparing everything you'll need:

  • Zig Zag roller

  • Rolling paper

  • Tobacco, herb, or a blend of your choice

Make sure your tobacco or herbs are finely ground and remove any stems or seeds. This ensures an even and smooth roll.

Step 2: Opening the Roller

Hold your Zig Zag roller in one hand, and with the other hand, use the lever to open the rollers. You should now see the rolling fabric stretched between the two rollers.

Filling the Roller

Step 3: Distributing the Fill

Take a pinch of your tobacco or herb and evenly distribute it along the width of the rolling fabric. The key here is evenness; avoid overfilling or leaving empty spaces. This ensures your cigarette or joint burns evenly.


Step 4: Closing and Rolling

Once your material is evenly distributed, close the roller by pushing the lever back to its original position. Then, roll the pins towards yourself a few times without the rolling paper. This step pre-shapes your fill, making it easier to wrap with paper.

Step 5: Adding the Rolling Paper

Take a sheet of your rolling paper and slide it between the rollers, with the adhesive strip facing you and upwards. Turn the rollers slowly towards you, and the paper will start to be pulled in. Lick the adhesive strip when it's almost fully in, and continue rolling to seal the paper.

Finishing Up

Step 6: Revealing Your Roll

Once the paper is fully rolled in and sealed, open the roller. You should now have a perfectly rolled cigarette or joint. Gently remove it from the roller and, if necessary, tap the end on a hard surface to pack the fill in more tightly.

Tips for Perfect Rolls

  • If your roll is too tight or too loose, adjust the amount of fill next time. It may take a few tries to find the right balance.

  • Keep your rolling papers and herbs or tobacco in a dry, cool place to ensure they are in the best condition for rolling.

  • Practice rolling with inexpensive herbs or tobacco when starting out to avoid wasting your preferred smoking material.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

  • Roll is too loose: This usually means you've used too little fill. Try adding a bit more next time.

  • Roll is too tight: Conversely, too much fill can make drawing smoke through the roll difficult. Use less fill for a looser roll.

  • Material spills out: Ensure the roller is properly closed before you start rolling. Also, be gentle when distributing your fill to avoid spilling.

Check out also: How To Use RAW Rolling Machine!


Rolling your own cigarettes or joints with a Zig Zag roller is a skill that can save you money and allow you to customize your smoking experience. Like any skill, it requires practice and patience. Don't get discouraged by initial mistakes. With time, you'll find the right technique and consistency that work best for you. Happy rolling!