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Understanding Weed Measurements: What is a Quarter of Weed?

Understanding Weed Measurements: What is a Quarter of Weed?

  • 04 May, 2024

When purchasing cannabis, understanding the common terms for different quantities can be crucial for both new and experienced users. Among these terms, "a quarter" is frequently used, referring to a quarter of an ounce of weed. This guide will help you understand what a quarter of weed looks like, how much it costs, and why it might be the right amount for your needs.

Key Takeaways

  • Standard Measurement: A quarter of weed refers to a quarter of an ounce, approximately 7 grams.

  • Cost Efficiency: Buying a quarter can be more cost-effective than purchasing smaller amounts.

  • Sufficient Supply: A quarter is typically enough for several uses, making it a practical choice for regular consumers.

What Does a Quarter of Weed Mean?

In the cannabis marketplace, weed is often sold by weight. One of the standard units of measurement is the ounce, and a quarter of weed is a quarter of an ounce. To put it in perspective:

  • 1 ounce = 28.35 grams

  • A quarter of an ounce = 7 grams (approximately)

Why Measure in Quarters?

Cannabis consumers and dispensaries find it practical to use ounces and fractions of an ounce (like quarters) because these units make it easier to regulate quantities for selling, buying, and consuming.

Cost and Consumption: Why Buy a Quarter?


The cost of a quarter of weed can vary widely depending on several factors, including the strain, quality, region, and legality. Typically, a quarter can cost anywhere from $50 to $80 in states where cannabis is legal. The price might be higher in places with stricter cannabis laws due to the increased risk involved in selling and obtaining it.

Consumption Habits

For occasional smokers, a quarter of weed could last several weeks or even months. Regular users, however, might find that a quarter lasts a week or less. Purchasing a quarter is a good middle ground between having enough cannabis to last between shopping trips and not holding so much that it goes stale.

Benefits of Buying a Quarter of Weed

Cost Effectiveness

Buying in bulk generally saves money in the long run. A quarter ounce is a substantial enough amount to get a price break per gram but not so much that it becomes a significant financial investment.


Cannabis starts to degrade and lose its potency and flavor over time when exposed to air, light, and heat. Buying a quarter allows regular users to consume it quickly enough to maintain freshness, enhancing the smoking experience.


Buying a quarter of an ounce rather than larger amounts can also allow for greater variety in the types of cannabis you consume. This is ideal for users who prefer to switch strains to avoid building a tolerance or just for the sake of variety.

How to Store a Quarter of Weed Properly

Airtight Containers

To preserve your weed's freshness, store it in airtight containers. Glass jars with rubber seals are excellent for this purpose as they block air exchange and light.

Cool, Dark Places

Store your cannabis in a cool, dark place to help preserve its potency. Heat and light accelerate the degradation of cannabinoids and terpenes, which are responsible for the effects and flavor of marijuana.

Humidity Control

Maintaining the right humidity level is crucial in preserving weed. Too much humidity can promote mold growth, while too little can dry out the cannabinoids and terpenes. Using humidity packs can help regulate this.

Check out also: How To Make A Glass Pipe For Smoking: A Step-By-Step Guide!



Understanding what a quarter of weed is and how it fits into your cannabis consumption habits can help you make informed purchasing decisions. Whether you’re an occasional user or a regular consumer, a quarter (7 grams) of weed offers a practical amount for personal use, balancing cost, freshness, and variety. Always remember to store your cannabis correctly to maintain its quality as long as possible. Happy smoking!